art of food event cateringJob hunter and applicants are not simply searching for wages anymore. They are looking at all their options holistically, and determining the many various factors that matter to them as employees. As a result, they may take a job that pays $10,000 less than another offer if they like the work culture, the location, or even corporate catering services.

3 Ways on How to Use Corporate Catering to Help Your Company Stand Out

Here are three ways that using corporate catering can make you stand out to prospective employees so you can hire the best, every time.

No Lunch? No Problem!

Millennials are entering the workforce in droves and they are bringing their unique lifestyles with them. The typical millennial works out in the gym before going to work and then has some sort of personal education class afterwards, where they learn things like computer programming and the ukulele. By offering your employees corporate catering, you make your business more appealing to individuals like this: interesting people who put 100% into everything they do.

The perk of having a corporate lunch catered everyday is a great benefit for any business, which is why so many famous businesses already do it, like Google and Facebook. In addition, with so much on the go, the average employee will usually forget to do one thing before they leave for work everyday. It may be taking out the garbage for the garbage collectors, it may be leaving an important document in their home office, or it may be forgetting to pack their lunch. Corporate catering makes employees’ lives more efficient, and more profitable for your business.

You Save More Than You Spend

Not every form of corporate catering is fancy finger foods that cost a lot of money to prepare. You can balance the need to provide your employees with fresh, delicious, and nutritious foods, with the need to reduce unnecessary expenses in your business. Assuming you are able to leverage the benefit of corporate catering in exchange for slightly reduced wages when compared to your competition, you can actually save money, making it a win-win-win situation for you, your employees, and the corporate catering company as well.

All you need to do is make this decision economically by listing the prices of corporate catering and then comparing them to the amount of money saved with reduced wages. If you can offer a coffee station option to your employees as well, this is even better. Employees that can take quick breaks during the day to quickly grab a bite to eat are more productive employees.

Corporate Catering Ensures More Productive Employees

Being able to offer corporate catering positively affects the hiring process in two ways. First, it lets you know which prospective employees are forward-looking and understand their requirements throughout the day to do good work. A job applicant who can look forward at the future requirements, and then make a plan to meet them is a job applicant that can manage their time well, submit projects on time, and can be relied to work overtime if the need arises.

These employees are rare in any workplace, and even rarer to find. If you have the ability to hire one of them, you should. They will do the work of several employees. All this can be possible simply by offering corporate catering.

Second, having corporate catering, especially if you can offer fruit or other snacks throughout the day, allows employees to consider a healthier lifestyle, as well as their energy and nutrition requirements while working. Nothing slows productivity to a halt than hungry and tired employees at 4PM.

Art of Food is a Toronto-based corporate catering company that has made a reputation of provided top-quality corporate catering to its many corporate clients in and around the city. For more information on the catering menus available, or to place an order, please visit us at our website today.